A Prize Student of 2015. Graduate of the N.Y. Vaptsarov Higher Naval School Got an Appointment in Navigation Maritime Bulgare
On 8 August 2015 the promotion of the N.Y. Vaptsarov Higher Naval School graduates of 2015 took place at the Festival and Congress Centre in Varna.One of the prize students of the year is the Navibulgar scholarship student Nikolay Sabev - with excellent marks 5.50 at the state final examinations for Navigation. He was also a prize student at the Petar Beron Mathematics High School in Varna. Nikolay Sabev comes from a seafarers’ family. He made up his mind long time ago as to where he would study following his high school education. His grandfather - reserve officer I grade Nikolay Ikonomov - has been secretary for years on end of the Association of the Higher Naval School alumni. His uncle is chief engineer of passenger vessels and his brother is a second engineer on ships of a company dealing with off shore operations.
Nikolay Sabev has already passed a training on board two Navibulgar ships - on the mv Georgi Grigorov (during her last voyage before her sale to a new shipowner) and on the m ferryboat Geroite na Odessa. Right upon graduating Nikolay Sabev proceded to complete his professional practice as cadet on board the mv Balgarka.
Beside Nikolay Sabev two more N.Y. Vaptsarov Higher Naval School graduates of 2015 were appointed in Navibulgar: Hristo Kirov (specialist in Ship Engines and Mechanisms) who is to finish his practice as cadet on the mv Vola I and Stoyan Kurtev who shall pass a training in the main office of Navigation Maritime Bulgare.