Safety & Quality Management
The Safety, Environmental Protection and Quality Management (SEPQM) Department is created to assist the Executive Director and the Departments upon implementation of the safety, security, environmental protection and quality management policy of NMB. The Head of the Department is also the Designated Person Ashore of the Company in accordance with Section 4 of the ISM Code, the Company Security Officer according to the requirements of Part A.11 of the ISPS Code and a Management Representative for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
The SEPQM Department deals with the following activities:
- planning and performance of internal audits of the Integrated Safety Environment Protection and Quality Management System (SEPQMS) as well as the Security Management System(SecMS) ashore and onboard the ships operated by the company.
- providing assistance onboard the ships and at all levels of management within the company for the successful conduct of the external audits of the SEPQMS and SecMS.
- providing assistance onboard the ships and preliminary preparation for the successful performance during PSC and FSC inspections; follow up of the rectification of detected deficiencies and the effectiveness of the corrective actions.
- conduct training and briefing to the ships’ officers before their ship joining on current practices, requirements, etc. related to safety, environment protection, security and ship management.
- development, maintenance, review, updating and control on the SEPQMS and SecMS, in accordance with the requirements of the ISM and ISPS Codes, the international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as well as the Company policies in this direction.
- development, implementation, maintenance and control of ship specific plans on safety, environmental protection and security according to the requirements of international codes and conventions, as well as national regulations of the ports of call (including SOLAS Training Manuals, Fire-prevention Manuals, SOPEPs, SSPs, NTVRPs, GMPs, BWMPs, etc.).
- Maintenance of relevant information databases (for tracking and analyzing of PSCIs, MARPOL, Security, FSCIs, etc.; for monitoring and analysis of incidents, accidents, non-conformities and other information related to safety, security and environment protection).