Purchasing & ITC Management
The Supply and Logistics Department is responsible for the procurement and delivery of stores, spares, technical gases and chemicals, lubricating oil, fuel oil, and paint on board of the Navigation Maritime Bulgare ships, the shore facilities of the Company, using its own road and/or leased road, air or sea cargo and transportation means.The Warehouse and Logistics Sector is responsible for the storage of spares, stores, paint ,technical gases, lubricating oil, etc. from domestic and overseas companies, acceptance of goods on consignment or safekeeping, deposition of goods in and withdrawal from warehouses, in accordance with the procedures of Navigation Maritime Bulgare JSC, and the directions and instructions given by the Company Management in compliance with the effective EU regulations and the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The IT and Communications Department provides and is responsible for::
- Maintenance and reliable operation of radio-navigation and telecommunication systems and services on board vessels of Navigation Maritime Bulgare JSC (in cases of fault/defects the same can be rectified by our own operated Marine Electronics Service);
- all means of communications of Navigation Maritime Bulgare JSC with other shore correspondents using internet, telephone, radio-telephone and satellite connections, and data transfer;
- overall computer and software maintenance of the Company's shore offices and the ships including in-house developed Ship Management software.